Our Week in Review

Sorry I have not posted this week, it has been a hectic week! Here is a summary of some of the things that have been going on with us.

First, our tax return did not go through as we expected. We called and they said it has a possible error. Hmmm. No good. This is the first time I have ever done taxes myself instead of going through H&R block. We decided to do it ourselves since we always do business taxes ourselves and we made literally no money last year. We only made $2000 last year because we got school grants that we have been living on. So, I have no idea why we were flagged. I double checked it and so did the tax program. I am praying that I get the money. I could really use it. I called the IRS and they said it may be done by next Friday and to call them again if it is still not approved.

School is getting so busy for me right now. This quarter ends in 3 weeks! It is crunch time to get everything done and it is taking a lot of time and energy for me to keep on top of it. I have all A’s in my classes so I am very happy about it, but it is tough. I am taking Biology, Sociology (marriage and family) and Health. Next quarter I am registered to take Intro to Business, Math (last class before I hit college level math – it is my weak point in school), and World Music.

Ashlee is excited because we finally have kids that moved into the apartment complex that she can play with. They are two boys – ages 8 and 7. They are kind, patient with Kaitlyn, and have caring parents. They come over nearly every day and the kids all play in the yard. I love to see kids that bring over BOOKS so they can all sit outside and read books together. So cool!

Kaitlyn has had a pretty good week. She has had a fever several times this week though and a stomach bug, I think. She is known to get sick often and I am not sure why. Fevers are the norm for her and she will have sky high fevers that come and go at least once or twice a month. She also has stomach issues (diarrhea) at least 1-2 times a month as well. Poor girl hates feeling sick. Other than that, she has had a great week. She is doing really well at reading, understanding and making graphs in math and I love to see that. She thinks it is so fun!

So that is a quick wrap up of our week. I will post more often, I promise! My goal is to post at least 2-3 times a week. See you soon! :-)

**Pictures were taken yesterday before the puppies we were fostering went to a great home in California. The girls will miss them.**

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LRB3123 said...

I did my mother's taxes and for some odd reason she had an error filing as well? Pretty strange since it was almost completely similar to last year. I hope the IRS treats you well and that you get your refund ASAP. Nice article, keep at it - the quarter is almost over!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your taxes will be fine and you'll get a good return back.
I'm so glad to hear that the kids are doing well. And the neighbour's kids bringing over books?? How awesome is that!
I'm glad your school is going well.

Debra said...

I hope you get the tax mess resolved...I am working on my hubby's biz taxes this week :(
Have you ever tried taking wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, & peanut butter (the big 5) out of her diet?

Missy said...

We just did our taxes tonight and our tax lady did them wrong I think. I'm glad I double checked them.

I discovered your blog from the Mom Audience Newsletter. We seem to have a lot in common. My son was just diagnosed with PDD-NOS with the probability of Aspergers. We too homeschool using the Sonlight curriculum. I look forward to reading more about you.

Green Family said...

Thanks everyone for your comments! I really appreciate it!

Debra - We have tried some diet changes for her in the past and we didn't see any improvement. She was a raw food child for a few months (nothing but fruits, veggies and nuts). Later she was vegan. Now, she eats a bit of everything. She is a picky eater and likes routine so she chooses nearly the same food every day. Dietary issues are a concern and we plan to eventually work with a specialists to make sure it isn't food related.

Hi Missy! Thanks for stopping by. It does sound like we have a lot in common! I am now following your blogs and looking forward to getting to know you too.

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